In general, when designing table space and container placement on physical devices, the goal is to maximize I/ O parallelism and buffer utilization. 一般而言,在物理设备上设计如何放置表空间和容器时,目标是使I/O并行性和缓冲区利用率达到最优。
The company is mainly engaged in the operation of general merchandise items as road transport, domestic container shipping business. 公司主要从事的经营项目为道路普通货物运输,国内集装箱运输等业务。
Discharge may be conditional or unconditional. General specification for single use and degradable lunch container and drinking set 解除责任可以是有条件或无条件的。一次性可降解餐饮具通用技术条件
In general, a site is an intermediate object placed in the middle of the container and each contained object. 一般地,一个场所(site)是一个中间对象,它位于容器对象与被包容对象之间。
General Performance Design of a 13 000 TEU Ultra Large Container Ship 13000TEU超大型集装箱船总体性能设计
General specification for single use and degradable lunch container and drinking set 一次性可降解餐饮具通用技术条件
The general requirement for these algorithms is that the container does not contain any nulls. 这些算法的通用要求是,容器不能包含任意空值。
Study on General Layout of Storage Yard and Longitudinal Slope of Port Road for Container Terminals Upstream the Yangtze River 长江上游集装箱码头陆域堆场平面布置及港内道路纵坡研究
General Layout and Technology Design for the Container Terminal 集装箱货运站总体及工艺设计
In the first chapter of this paper, we made an analysis to the origination and the general situation of the development of domestic coastal container liner shipping, made a deep research on the details of this market, especially on the dominating shipping company and harbor company. 首先,本文分析了沿海内贸集装箱运输的起源及发展概况,其次对沿海内贸集装箱运输市场作了深入分析并对几家主要港航企业在这一市场中的发展情况进行了全面介绍。
On the basis of the calculation of the spherical container, the influence of the general container on the molecular free flying path was supposed. 以球形容器为例,做了相应的计算,由此推测了一般容器对分子自由飞行路程的影响。
In general, in calculating mean free-path of gaseous molecules, the effect of container is not considered. 通常所称的气体分子平均自由程并未计及容器器壁的影响。
Calculation and criterion of grain stability criteria for general cargo/ container ship 多用途集装箱船的散装谷物稳性计算与衡准
Assignment of Load Lines and Design of General Arrangement for Open-Top Container Ships Navigating in Restricted Sea Areas 有限航区敞口集装箱船的载重线核定与总体设计
The leap development obtained during the period of 30 years in the international container transportation and the general situation fo container wharf construction are introduced in detail in the paper. 详细介绍30年来我国国际集装箱运输和码头建设取得的跨越式进展和集装箱码头建设概况;
This paper introduces the general design of standard river ship form of Chongqing-Shanghai 300 TEU container vessel, the analysis of its main dimensions is focused, its powering performance, general arrangement, overall layout and the evaluation of its comprehensive technical performance are introduced. 主要介绍渝申300TEU江型集装箱标准船型的总体设计,重点研究该船的主尺度分析、快速性、总体布置。并对全船概况、船舶技术性能评估等方面进行了介绍。
The paper puts forward the general views, principles, models, methods and procedures, which can be served as guidelines to the practice of a container trade lane optimization. 论文提出的解决航线优化问题的基本思路与基本方法、程序与手段,对班轮公司的集装箱班轮航线优化具有一定的理论意义与较强的实际指导意义。
This paper tries to make a systematic study and research to obtain the optimization scheme for the China/ Persian Gulf service of C Container Lines Company, and this study can also provide a general method of the issue of international container trade lane optimization. 本文正是在这种情况下,试图对C公司的中国/波斯湾航线进行系统的探讨和研究,以得出最优航线方案,进而为集装箱班轮航线优化问题提供普遍的思路和优化方法。
Discussion on the technology of refitting a general cargo ship into a container ship 杂货船改装成集装箱船的改装技术探讨
Aiming at the present design actuality in the corrugated paper container trade in China, the general design ideas and R& D schemes of corrugated paper container CAD system are put forward; 针对目前我国瓦楞纸箱行业的产品设计状况,提出了瓦楞纸箱CAD系统的总体设计思想和研究开发方案;
Described in the paper are the general situation of the container transport in Asia and the world, development status quo of Chinese marine containers and port construction. 叙述了世界和亚洲集装箱运输发展概况及我国海运集装箱的发展和港口建设的现状;论述了我国铁路国际集装箱联运的发展及其物质基础与运量;
A general survey on container leasing operator's maritime lien a comparative study on maritime liens and mortgages between 1993 Convention and the Maritime Code of the people's Republic of China 集装箱营运人的船舶优先权浅析关于船舶优先权和抵押权的比较研究&《1993年船舶优先权和抵押权国际公约》与我国《海商法》的有关规定
The introduction present general situation of container transportation in Ningbo, and the frame of whole paper. 引言部分简要介绍宁波港集装箱运输发展概况,本论文的研究框架。
In the field of foreign language teaching, many linguists have reached a general consensus on the relationship between language and culture: language is the carrier of culture; culture is the container of language. 外语教学界,对语言和文化关系的研究已经达成了普遍的共识:语言是文化的载体;文化是语言的蕴涵。
With the previous algorithm and two new algorithms ideas, the fifth chapter of the paper gives the general idea about how to solute container loading problems and overall system topology, and detailed design of the system modules. 本文第五部结合前面章节描述的算法和两种新算法思路,给出解决集装箱配载问题的大致思路和系统整体的拓扑结构,以及系统模块的详细设计。
General purpose container has a standard size, but the sizes of some special purpose container, go beyond the standard container size. 一般用途的集装箱都具有标准尺寸,但有些特殊用途的集装箱,其大小超出了标准集装箱的尺寸。
Although voyage charter transportation in general acts an indispensable part, its management mode is not produced a huge change as container transportation in the past years, instead of mostly follow the original management mode. 虽然不定期船运输在海运中一般扮演着不可或缺的角色,但是其经营管理模型模式并未像集装箱运输一样产生了巨大变化,相反的大多遵循原有的经营方式。
The standardization, systematization, networking and informatization of general cargo transport are realized through the container transportation. 件杂货运输的标准化、系统化、网络化和信息化均通过集装箱运输得以实现。